Numerical Analysis of Hollow Piezoceramic Cylindrical Vibrators under Non-Stationary Conditions

Melnik, R.V.N. and Melnik, K.N.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Applications: EMAC'98, Adelaide, 1998, Eds. E.O. Tuck and J.A.K. Scott, ISBN 185825 686 X,  359--362, 1998


In this paper we consider a mathematical model describing the dynamics of piezoelectrics subjected to electromagnetic and thermal fields as well as mechanical loading. Using the variational approachwe construct and justify efficient numerical procedures for for the solution of a quite general problem of dynamic electroelasticity. Some numerical results on the analysis of vibrational characteristics of piezoelectric devices are discussed in detail.

In the general case, magneto-electromechanical relations are nonlinear and may display a significant hysteresis and other nonlinear effects subject to appropriate forcing. The incorporation of such nonlinear effects into our model, as well as accounting for the thermal field is the subject of our further development of the present work.

Key words: dynamic piezoelectricity; hyperbolic-elliptic coupling; coupled multiphysics problems; electromechanical oscillations; magneto-electromechanics; energy balance and its discrete analogue; variational difference schemes; generalized Courant-Friederichs-Lewy stability condition; nonlinear effects.