First-principles studies of Ni-Ta intermetallic compounds

Zhou, Y., Wen, B., Melnik, R., Liu, X.

Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 187, 211--218, 2012


The structural properties, heats of formation, elastic properties, and electronic structures of Ni-Ta intermetallic compounds are investigated in detail based on density functional theory. Our results indicate that all Ni-Ta intermetallic compounds calculated here are mechanically stable except for P21/m-Ni3Ta and hc-NiTa2. Furthermore, we found that Pmmn-Ni3Ta is the ground state stable phase of Ni3Ta polymorphs. The polycrystalline elastic modulus has been deduced by using the Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximation. All Ni-Ta intermetallic compounds in our study, except for NiTa, are ductile materials by corresponding G/K values and poisson's ratio. The calculated heats of formation demonstrated that Ni2Ta are thermodynamically unstable. Our results also indicated that all Ni-Ta intermetallic compounds analyzed here are conductors. The density of state demonstrated the structure stability increases with the Ta concentration. 
