Advances In Mathematical And Computational Methods: Addressing Modern Challenges of Science, Technology, and Society

Kotsireas, I., Melnik, R.V.N., West, B. (Eds)

American Instritute of Physics Vol. 1368, 2011 (ISBN 978-0-7354-0928-6, ISSN 0094-243X); as 2012 edition by AIP: 344 pages, ISBN-10: 0735409285, ISBN-13: 978-0735409286

From the back cover of the book:

The book provides a unique collection of in-depth technical discussions and exchange of ideas in mathematical and computational sciences, as well as their applications in natural and social sciences, engineering and technology, industry and finance. It aims at researchers, industrialists, engineers and students who want to foster interdisciplinary collaborations required to meet the challenges of modern science, technology, and society. Applied and computational mathematics plays a fundamental role in new discoveries in sciences and engineering. The methodology of mathematical modeling and computational experiment provides a primary and ubiquitous tool in such discoveries, as well as in the development of new theories and techniques for the solution of important problems arising from the sciences and engineering. The main goal of this book is to provide the reader with state-of-the-art achievements in the development of this methodology along with the associated theories and techniques in diverse areas of human knowledge, promoting interdisciplinary interactions between mathematicians, scientists and engineers. The book is a valuable source of the methods, ideas, and tools of applied and computational mathematics developed for other disciplines, including natural and social sciences, engineering and technology. Original results are presented on both fundamental and applied developments, with a wide range of examples emphasizing interdisciplinary nature and universality applied mathematics and mathematical modeling.This book has a number of unique features:  -The book can serve as a reference to state-of-the-art original works on the applications of mathematical and computational methods and tools in disciplines from natural and social sciences to technology and engineering.